Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM By Appointment Only

New Homeowner Portal

Avenue One has migrated over to a new community management software, Vantaca, and you may be asking Why? Or what are the benefits? Or how does this help me as a homeowner?

Efficiency: get your needs addressed quickly

Rather than waiting in line with hundreds of other homeowners calling in each week or typing out an email and constantly checking your inbox for a response, submitting a request, question, or any action item through your homeowner account, can be done 24/7 and gets it in front of the right person instantly.

Trackability: check the status of your submission 24/7

Your portal submission is the automatically assigned a tracking number (XN id tag) which can be used by both the homeowner and management team to track the progress and research of any submission. Each new action relating to the submission is dated and timestamped for detailed record keeping. No more email chains to sort through, no more phone tag.

Traceability: historical record keeping

Homeowner submissions through the portal can never be lost or deleted. Meaning individual member needs are documented permanently under your account and can be referred to by the homeowner, the Board of Directors and your management team at any time for any reason.

Transparency: accountability and reporting

Management companies are often asked to estimate how many communications we receive per day, per week, per month from the community. No more estimating. We now have the ability to pull reports documenting exactly how many inquiries we receive, what members are reaching out for and can show exactly how the management team’s time is spent on membership needs.

What if I just want to talk to a human person?

We are in the service industry and seek to provide a positive experience for everyone. If you prefer to speak with your management team directly, we have kept our main office number (found at the bottom of our website) and offer this to those who prefer to bypass self-service. Calling in will get you to the right person, but if our team is on the other line or away from their desk, you might reach a voicemail. In this event you will receive a call back.

Avenue One is always striving to better our service to our communities and their members. The HOA world can be complicated and messy, but we believe conducting business in a way that responds to our clients’ needs and modifies accordingly will create positive experiences and build lasting relationships. We offer hard-earned experience, professional advisement, and educated business administration to our Boards, communities and memberships and we appreciate your partnership.